On this page, we explore the realities attached to being Black In Britain. As stated in our ethos, BLK BRIT works to document the identities and experiences within the UK, and this section of the publication does just that.

Fehintoluwa Coker Fehintoluwa Coker

Autism Acceptance Month

National Autism Acceptance Month celebrates the uniqueness of autistic individuals. Within our communities, social support and understanding of autism needs to be emphasised.

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Kesensa Mordi Kesensa Mordi

Black and Uncared

The conversation regarding Looked After Children is often an unheard one with pro-choice and pro-life campaigns taking centre stage. When speaking about Black children in care, this is even further diminished. Yet, it is necessary that Black looked after children are placed in care of those who are able to help build a strong sense of confidence and identity.

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