Autism Acceptance Month
Fehintoluwa Coker Fehintoluwa Coker

Autism Acceptance Month

National Autism Acceptance Month celebrates the uniqueness of autistic individuals. Within our communities, social support and understanding of autism needs to be emphasised.

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Remembering the Impact: Stephen Lawrence Day
Charlene Haylette Charlene Haylette

Remembering the Impact: Stephen Lawrence Day

31 years on, the effects and impact of this tragic event can still be witnessed in the wider community; transmuting collective pain into empowering the Black community through education, support schemes and awareness.

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Will London Lose Black Britons Vibrant Communities?
Jodi Clarke Jodi Clarke

Will London Lose Black Britons Vibrant Communities?

The UK’s capital has undeniably been struck by an affordability crisis, forcing many residents to move elsewhere. Amongst the most vulnerable residents is Britain's Black population with only less than half of Black residents living in London.

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Mind The Gap!: The Reality Of Higher Education
Holly Cooper Holly Cooper

Mind The Gap!: The Reality Of Higher Education

The pipeline for black academic progression is incredibly leaky. Academy loses more and more black students through this gap in the framework every year. Black students underperform both in attaining first class and 2:1 degree certifications compared to their white counterparts.

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Black and Uncared
Kesensa Mordi Kesensa Mordi

Black and Uncared

The conversation regarding Looked After Children is often an unheard one with pro-choice and pro-life campaigns taking centre stage. When speaking about Black children in care, this is even further diminished. Yet, it is necessary that Black looked after children are placed in care of those who are able to help build a strong sense of confidence and identity.

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Why Black Power Is Still As Important As Ever!
Kesensa Mordi Kesensa Mordi

Why Black Power Is Still As Important As Ever!

When you search ‘Black Power’ on google, the first definition that you will see is “a movement in support of rights and political power for black people, especially prominent in the US in the 1960s and 1970s”. This definition understates Black Power as a whole.

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How Tradition Has Kept A Diaspora Connected
Kesensa Mordi Kesensa Mordi

How Tradition Has Kept A Diaspora Connected

To reminisce on our childhood is something as normal as learning your ABC’s. As we grow, we question the ways of our parents and how they raised us. There’s never been more time in history to reflect than now. In this forever changing world of ours, this current health pandemic has brought nothing but pure nostalgia.

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